My feature for today isn't what I had planned, but it's definitely one that is dear to my heart. And if you are new to the art world, or just starting out, or trying to get your business rolling, you've got to read this. Today I'm featuring Liz, from Liz Creates Art. I've known Liz for...about 6/7ish years and can vouch for how incredible of a person she is. She is a military wife, mom of two adorable girls, and has battled first hand with depression and PPD. She inspires me every day. Liz has given me insight when I was in my own slump, and she has worked SO HARD to be where she is now. I love Marco Poloing with her and talking over all things art related! She doesn't know it, but Liz has given me confidence in that area-like I can actually help someone learn this stuff (when I was doubting every ability I had)! I can't wait for you to meet her. And oh yeah, she's my sister-in-law! :)

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Simmons, more commonly known as Liz though! I am a mom of two little girls, my eldest conquers Cerebral Palsy and my second is still new to the world. I’m a military spouse still trying to settle in from our most recent move. While I love exploring this great country I miss home, Utah, everyday.
How did you fall into art?
I’ve always been creative in some form or another. I’ve explored many mediums and hope to continue to do so. From drawing to crochet to baking to woodworking…. I’ve done a ton and loved most of it! I wish I could do it all!
Favorite medium to work in?
It depends on my mood but my favorite is watercolor and photography. Watercolor is much easier to pull out and tuck away. Photography holds special place in my heart though.
Favorite tool?
A diverse set of watercolor paints! I love playing with all of the colors and seeing how each one looks on paper.

Favorite thing to draw/design?
I love combining nature and geometric shapes. That was where I first started coming up with ideas for stickers.
Any fun projects you’re working on?
Right now I’m trying to add to the animals with flower crowns and make it into a series of sorts. Which is where my favorite design is as well. For some reason I just love how the black bear with the flower crown turned out!

What’s something you’d tell your younger self, that you wish you would’ve known sooner?
Something I wish I could’ve pounded into my younger self is the quote “comparison is the thief of joy.” It’s something I wish I could still get into my thick head! I’ve always compared myself to those around me who I thought was better at art and thought the world had no room for me and my meager attempts at creativity. Time and time again I get proven wrong. There will always be someone who appreciates your genuine creativity.
What do you love to do when you’re not creating art?
Oh man…there’s a lot. Taking my daughter to her various therapies, baking, finding inspiration for new designs, testing the waters of homeschooling, hitting the gym, and making sure everything else is functioning! That all makes it sound like I’m sooo put together. I’m really not but I’m trying really really hard!

What’s your favorite social media platform?
The only one I really use is Instagram so I guess that one?
Where can people find you?
Comparison is the thief of joy. Go back and read that paragraph again. WE are the ones who hold ourselves back the majority of the time. Why? Because of the narratives we tell ourselves in our own heads. We have got to QUIT IT. Especially when starting out. It's so daunting to see all the amazing women and mothers out there who seem to be "doing it all". But that doesn't matter. What matters is that YOU are showing up for yourself every day. Doing something for you, to fill your heart with happiness, to move your business or family forward. Loving your family, creating a watercolor piece, cooking a meal, shooting some hoops, running, reading, showing up for a neighbor...they all matter. Liz helps me remember this again and again. She has SO MUCH to share with the world and she's just getting started. I hope you go show her some love!
Cheers to another weekend, relaxing (or maybe trying new things)!! If you want to read about more of my art friends, you can find those HERE. xo